
Competitions are held throughout the year. Participation in these competitions is voluntary and the fee is additional to Term fees. We hold 2 in-house competitions, our mini comp in June and our Invitational competition is usually held in Nov.

If your child has committed to doing a WAG or MAG competition class, they need to attend 3 competitions during the year at a minimum. This can include our competition in November.


  • Competitions will be announced on Team App under ‘News’. Online entry forms are released on N&DGC website. See ‘Competition’/’N&DGC Competition Online Entry Forms’.
  • Fill in the form and submit. Please check your entry before submitting. Do not guess any information eg. level. If you are unsure of anything, please select ‘unsure’ (if available) or contact the club for assistance.
  • You will receive an acknowledgement of your entry. You will also receive an email copy of the complete entry. Please double check the email to confirm that you have entered all details correctly. Please contact the club if you notice any mistakes.
  • IF a comp entry list is placed on the notice board (near the south exit door) please take note that your child is entered and the spelling is correct.
  • Pay the comp fee once you have been invoiced.  Entry is not complete without payment.
  • Well in advance of the competition day ensure your gymnast has all appropriate uniform needed.