
Competitions are held throughout the year. Participation in these competitions is voluntary and the fee is additional to Term fees. We hold 2 in-house competitions, our mini comp in June and our Invitational competition is usually held in Nov.

If your child has committed to doing a WAG or MAG competition class, they need to attend 3 competitions during the year at a minimum. This can include our competition in November.


– Comp announced and entry form released on Team App. Some forms at club but would prefer majority print their own. (Online entry forms are coming soon…)

 – Rip off the top of the form for your own records as it has the comp date and address on it.

 – Return the comp form to the club either in person (committee member at front desk, or to Lynette if no one at desk) or via email (MUST be a PDF not an image)

 – IF a comp entry list is placed on the notice board (near the south exit door) please take note that your child is entered and the spelling is correct.

 – pay the comp fee once you have been invoiced.  Entry is not complete without payment.

 – well in advance of the competition day ensure your gymnast has all appropriate uniform needed.