Expression Of Interest Form (Classes)

New participants to N&DGC are asked to fill in an Expression of Interest form (EOI) as a first step to beginning gym at our club.

You can click on the link below to fill in the online Expression of Interest form. Once we have received your form, we will be in touch if there are spaces available. If there are no spaces available, your name will be placed on a class waiting list. When a place becomes available, we will be in touch (either by email or phone).

Expression of Interest Form (for new N&DGC participants)

What to do next?

Once you have received confirmation from N&DGC Head Coach that there is a place available, you will be instructed to fill in a registration form – either Kindergym/Step-into-gym, competition gym, or non-competition gym (includes Skills classes, adult gym, ninja). Fill in the relevant online registration form and submit it. You will receive a confirmation email. You will then be invoiced via email and you are right to begin gym classes.